WPKND hosts many events throughout the year that require volunteer support. Events such as the Kamm’s Corners Farmers Market, the Hooley, Pop-Ups in the Parks, and many others would not be possible without volunteers.
Green Team
The West Park Green Team is a group of environmentally minded individuals that is organized by WPKND. If you are a West Parker with an interest in gardening, tree plantings, sustainability projects, and more, the Green Team is the place for you!
Neighborhood Support
WPKND hosts many neighborhood support projects throughout the year. Projects such as neighborhood cleanups and snow removal and leaf raking for seniors are ongoing. Larger home maintenance projects and senior home repair projects occur when a family or household in need is identified.
Special Projects
Show your love for the world at large with WPKND at events such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Earth Day, and others. WPKND also regularly hosts collection drives for organizations and individuals in need, including a Giving Tree type program.