Home Improvement Services & Resources
Referral Programs
WPKND can connect you with a number of home repair programs, no matter your income. Programs include low-interest home repair loans through our partner agencies and 5 grant and loan programs.
Senior Home Repair Program
WPKND offers an in-house program to assist income-qualifying seniors and adults with disabilities make repairs to their homes so that they can age in place. The program covers up to $500 of the cost of any home repair, with a focus on safety, accessibility, and quality of life issues.
Contractor List
WPKND manages a list of local contractors which can be accessed by contacting Hannah Gall.
Kamm’s Corners Development Corporation does not recommend or endorse contractors.
West Park Sherwin Williams Paint Program
Discounts on paint and painting supplies. All those living in Ward 17 are eligible. Limit one per household.
Housing Enhancement Loan Program (HELP)
Provides home improvement loans, at 3% points below normal bank rates, for home repair/remodeling projects for homeowners of occupied or investment properties. HELP has no restrictions on a borrower’s income and few limitations on what improvements can be made to a property.
Sidewalk Residential Replacement
Repair/replacement of unsafe sidewalks through a partnership between the city and its residents where each party pays 5 % of the cost. Eligible repairs include sidewalks, driveway aprons, & curbs at the end of driveways.
Cleveland Restoration Society (CRS)
A low-interest (under 2%), fixed-rate, equity-based loan for maintaining & improving homes 5+ years. Interior & exterior projects qualify. No income limits apply. CRS also offers free technical assistance on questions related to home conditions or repair.
Cold Weather Services
WPKND works with community agencies like CHN Housing Partners to make sure homes are ready for winter. This income-qualifying program can replace furnaces and hot water tanks, and insulate homes to better prepare them for the winter.
HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
A program designed to assist eligible residents to meet the cost of home heating (natural gas, electric and oil, kerosene, or wood heating services) during the winter months. Eligibility is based on family size and household income. You must apply by March 31.
PIPP (Percentage of Income Payment Plan)
A payment arrangement plan for gas and electric services. Eligible residents pay a percentage of their gross monthly income to the utilities. Residents are responsible for the entire balance until it is paid in full. Contact your provider for details.
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)
Offers low or fixed-income residents energy-efficient measures designed to decrease utility bills & improve energy deficiencies. Provides grants and education through the State of Ohio for homeowners & tenants who meet income guidelines.
Help with Utilities
Homestead Water/ Sewer Discount
The Homestead Water/Sewer Discount Program offers a lower fixed charge and consumption rate for seniors and/or permanently disabled individuals that are income-qualifying homeowners.
Water Affordability Program
Offers a 40% discount on all standard water charges. This includes both the monthly fixed charge & consumption charge. To qualify, customers must meet income guidelines and own/live at the applying service address.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP assists eligible low-income residents with their winter home heating costs using natural gas, electricity, oil, kerosene, or wood.
Delinquent Tax Payment Plan
Behind on your property taxes? Payment plans are available for homeowners who live in their homes. Landlords may be eligible for installment plans (up to 24 months), at the discretion of the Cuyahoga County Treasurer.
Utility Customer Service Lines
Consumer Advisory Hotline: 1-844-378-8856
Assists homeowners in choosing an electric provider.
Cleveland Public Power: 216-664-3156
Dominion East Ohio Gas: 800-362-7557
Illuminating Company: 800-589-3101
Sewers: 216-664-2513
Water Dept. (Emergencies): 216-664-3060