What is Imagine West Park?

Imagine West Park is West Park Kamm’s Neighborhood Development’s inaugural public art program. But it is more than art for art’s sake. It is a placemaking and community engagement process that acknowledges the varied experiences of all West Parkers. The project will help bridge the neighborhood identity divide and instill beauty and pride of place throughout the community. The program is made up of three different projects, two painted murals, ten utility box wraps, and a ten-week, youth, afterschool arts program.

Community Engagement and Visioning

Throughout the Summer and Fall of 2023, WPKND conducted public art visioning and engagement exercises in person and virtually that asked West Parkers to answer a series of questions:
  1. What is your favorite or most memorable location in the neighborhood?
  2. What is your favorite mural/art style?
  3. What makes West Park special?
  4. What are three words that describe you?
  5. What is your favorite thing to do in West Park?

Three Different Projects

  • Murals on Main Street – This project seeks to create two murals that are expressions of what West Park as a neighborhood embodies as well as the character of the residents.
  • Upgrading the Ordinary – Ten utility boxes will be wrapped in images that commissioned artists create to embody the spirit of the neighborhood and/or the character of the residents.
  • Mini-Muralist Youth Education Project – Ten middle to high-school-aged children will be selected to participate in an after-school arts program. Participants who complete the program will be paid a stipend for their time.

Program Timeline

  • November 12, 2023 – Murals on Mainstreet RFQ responses due
  • November 30, 2023 – Mini-Muralist Youth Education Project RFP responses due and Upgrading the Ordinary RFQ responses due
  • Late December 2023 – Artists selected for all requests
  • January 2023 – Design Processes Begin for Murals and Utility Box Wraps, and Youth Program Begins
  • Early April 2023 – Site specific designs due
  • Spring 2024 – City review processes
  • Summer 2024 Installation

How do I apply to be an artist?


Contact Molly Crawford at molly@westparkkamms.org or call (216) 252-6559 x1500.